
T-FLEX CAD 12 and KOMPAS-3D V13 confirm high activity of the Russian MCAD market

As the editor-in-chief of isicad.ru/net, I've just received a letter (written in English!) from the marketing department of the Russian CAD/PLM company Top Systems. The attachment included an English press-release announcing T-FLEX CAD 12. I believe this 3D CAD, quite popular at the Russian/CIS market, is really globally competitive and hope this publication: "T-FLEX CAD 12 Released" helps its promotion:
English press-releases are already quite usual for ASCON (see for example my recent overview) but it's nevertheless pleasant to see that in today's issue of tenlinks ASCON release of KOMPAS-3D V13 shares the first line with DS CATIA Sketcher:  

By the way, may be the isicad.net Top-10 will be of some interest for you:


Direct Modeling and other Top 10 topics of CAD/PLM at isicad.net

isicad.net is a modest English version of the most popular Russian CAD/PLM web resource isicad.ru published by LedasGroup. In contrast to the Russian version which aims to cover all key news and trends of the world and Russian markets of engineering software, isicad.net briefly reflects what happens at the Russian and CIS markets and from time to time publishes English translations of some original Russian articles related to the CAD/PLM domain.

Below you can see a list of Top 10 most visited articles. 
2. “The Future of MCAD” Roundtable Organized by isicad and upFront.eZine :09.2009         
3.The prodigal son of Autodesk :05.2009 
4. New Armor for Rhino :07.2011 
5. A brief interview with Steffen Buchwald (Siemens PLM Software) :06.2009 
6. Synchronous Technology: The Third Attempt :10.2010 
7.CIMdata evaluates PLM-market in 2010 and gives optimistic forecasts :04.2011 
8.Variational Direct Modeling: How to Keep Design Intent in History-Free CAD :10.2008 
9.The Future of MCAD: Round Table in Moscow :07.2009 
10. Bricscad Enters 3D Solid Modeling for Mechanical Design Market :01.2011  

Note that some of listed items are comparatively new and still have chances to move to the higher positions. By the way, an article “Direct Modeling -Who and Why Needs It? A Review of Competitive Technologies — by Dmitry Ushakov” published just couple days ago, judging by Google Analytics, can move to the very top of the list.    


The isicad.net Overview of the Russian CAD/PLM Market, May-October 2011

Here are some key topics of the overview:

- After 5 years of successful work for Autodesk CIS, Alex Tasev becomes head of PTC CIS and reports outstanding results of PTC at CIS market
- Dassault Systemes and Siemens PLM extend their Russian offices and demonstrate good spirit
- SolidWorks is still inarticulate in Russia in spite of very much respect to its software
- Top Systems emphasises its extended PLM orientation and integrates with Autodesk Inventor
Marketing and Internet in Russia
- Autodesk CIS Forum held on 21-22 of September was the most striking event of the year
- ASCON is probably the most dynamic company at the Russian CAD/PLM market
- LEDAS extended the range of its business interests and genres
- Bentley Systems becomes much more visible at the Russian market
- NanoCAD 3.0 2011 ~ AutoCAD LT 2009

The full overview is here .  The cover page of N25 (see below) has been inspired by a well-known fair-tale and an article “How Direct Modeling Transforms Cinderella into the Princess” (see a link in the overview). Please click the picture to enlarge and see a flash animated version (i.e. not for i-devices).

LEDAS announced the formation of Advisory Board

Together with the whole LEDAS team, I am grateful to the well-known actors of the engineering software market who kindly agreed to become members of the newly formed LEDAS advisory board:
  • Ken Amann, Executive Consultant and (previously) Director of Research at CIMdata
  • Francis Bernard, Founder and First President of Dassault Systèmes, awarded as being the “Inventor of CATIA”
  • Brad Holtz, President & CEO, Cyon Research Co-Founder, COFES Chief Strategy Officer and Chairman, The Center for Understanding Change
  • Deelip Menezes, Blogger, Founder and CEO of SYCODE, Co-Founder and CTO of Print3D Corporation
  • Oleg Shilovitsky, Blogger, Independent Consultant, Founder and CEO of Inforbix

For more information (biographies, links...), please see this page of LEDAS.com .